Nancy Salem



I am a PhD Student at the Oxford Internet Institute. My research concerns the public perception and user experience of emerging technologies.

I ask, how do we come to know what we know of technologies?

I think about this through imaginaries and materialities.

The Future looks digital

My PhD research examines imaginaries of speculative digital futures made legible and perceivable through the material, public infrastructures of art and culture spaces.

Through ethnographic methods, I consider what is being accomplished when museum visitors step into an immersive exhibit to drive an autonomous vehicle, consider genomic medicine, and try lab-grown food.

CURRENT Projects

A boy with headphones and a phone, side view.

Care, Autonomy, and Technology

I conduct qualitative research on an interdisciplinary project at the Institute of Ethics in AI focusing on trends around the use of parental mediation technology in childhood.

Hand with Phone

Gendered UX Design

As a AI and Work fellow, I led a project using UXR methods to explore the safety strategies of gender minorities in gig work, using speculative design methods to examine platform affordances.

Hands on Laptop

AI Futures and the Curated Visitor Experience

As part of a Minderoo-Oxford Challenge project I contribute to research focused on the narratives and spaces used to frame AI futures, AI’s agency in the creative process, and the embodied experiences of AI generated art.

Selected Publications


Salem, N., & Eccles, K.Feeling Uncertain: Immersion and Interactivity in Future-Facing Exhibits in Cultivating Futures Thinking in Museums. Ed. Kristin Alford. Taylor and Francis.


Salem, N., & Chabikwa, R. (2023). Why adopting a feminist approach to tech governance can help ensure a healthy internet and trustworthy AI. Oxford Internet Institute.


McGrath, M., Salem, N., and Boxall, L. Making AI: Advancing creative approaches to the design of AI systems through the craft of making them. ACM Creativity and Cognition


Howson, K., Ferrari, F., Spilda, F.U., Salem, N., Johnston, H., Katta, S., Heeks, R., and Graham, M. Driving the Digital Value Network: Reshaping economic geographies of platform capitalism Global Networks


Rizk, Nagla, Stefanie Felsberger, and Salem, N. Narratives around Women, Work, and Technology in Taking Stock: Data and Evidence on Gender Equality in Digital Access, Skills and Leadership

United Nations EQUALS Global Partnership


Rizk, N., Salem, N., Weheba, N. A Gendered Analysis of Ridesharing: Perspectives from Cairo, Egypt CIPPEC and IDRC


Wiens, K., and Salem, N. Africa and the Middle East Open Policy Report, Creative Commons

Selected TALKS


Thinking about the Senses in Ethnographic Fieldwork World Conference on Qualitative Research


The Case for Feminist Tech Governance Mozilla Foundation MozFest Kenya

Visual Studies Research Escalator on Sensory Methodologies ICA 2023

New Anthropological Critiques of Risk AND Representing the Future with Multisensory Data ASA 2023


Workshop leader: Creative approaches to the design of AI systems

ACM Creativity and Cognition 2022


Whose data is it anyway? Challenges and opportunities for gender inclusive digital rights in Africa RightsCon


Feminist Open Science Workshop (OCSDNet), University of Toronto.


The Digital Economy: A Regional Perspective MidEast DNS Forum, ISOC/ICANN


Data as Things: Dis/Assembling the Stuff of Data and Data’s Coming to Matter London Conference on Critical Thought